We are 25 weeks today and counting down the last 2 weeks in the second trimester! I cannot believe we are almost in our third trimester! Baby Ethan is kicking, punching and flipping like crazy! In the beginning I thought he was going to be very mellow like his Dad, but from all the jabs I have been getting lately, he may be a little more like me- crazy! Ha! Although, in my pre-pregnancy life I was very energetic and loved being active, now I am the complete opposite. I am not sure who ever said the second trimester is your chance to regain your energy level, because that is not the case with me! Laying on the couch and going being in bed at 9:00 p.m. sounds like heaven everyday. I get worn out very easily and once I get to that point there is no turning back! I have also been having a lot of heartburn the past few weeks. I never even knew what heartburn was until I got pregnant. That is one side effect that I will be happy to see dissipate after Ethan arrives. Sleeping is now becoming an issue. Of course my numerous bathroom breaks are enough to annoy everyone in the room (including myself), but more than that, it is hard for me to just turn from side to side. It seems to take me 5 minutes to switch sides and get comfortable, because I have no stomach muscles anymore making me feel like a blue whale flopping inch by inch! Other than that I am doing great and loving everyday I have with Ethan in my belly! I want him to grow big and strong in there!
Speaking of little Ethan, he is measuring around 13 1/2 inches from head to heel! However, I would not be surprised if he is longer considering I am 5'8" and Justin is 6'3". He is also weighing about a pound and 1/2! He is getting to be a big boy! Most importantly this week, he is beginning to develop his baby fat! We love chunky monkeys! His hair is also a distinctive color and texture this week! I was born with very thick dark hair which very quickly became a fine light blond Mohawk (yes, my hair stood straight up, at least it was the 80's and I fit in pretty well)! Justin's hair was also a light brown when he was little so there is a good chance our baby could have lighter hair that eventually turns darker. When Justin pictures a little boy named Ethan, he pictures a blond boy, but I see brown hair. Most of all, I am hoping baby Ethan ends up with Justin's beautiful thick dark hair!
We are getting our new Netflix movie this weekend- Babies! We are super excited for this documentary and just love everything baby right now, so I am sure we will enjoy it!
Justin has nicely placed me on a spending freeze this week! Haha! The way I am surviving this experience is by not looking at anything baby!!! Not going to the baby section at stores or looking Online! If I stay away from these danger zones, then I do not see anything Ethan or I need (or should I say want)?! We'll see how long this lasts.......!
Here are his first pair of shoes:
My Mom got these cute little outfits a few weeks ago:
These are a few of my purchases! I love the stripes and the Elephant onesie- "E" is for Elephant and Ethan!
Miley does not seem to know what is going on, but we think she is aware things are about to change! His nursery used to be the guest room where she would lay most of the time and now she barely goes in there. We are trying to teach her that it is not her space anymore. Our biggest challenge is teaching her that his toys are not hers! Anyone who knows her, knows she LOVES toys and must have a toy in her mouth when she goes to the bathroom outside or when someone gets home to greet them. So she really doesn't know what to think about the baby's toys. There is a toy dog that we conveniently place on Ethan's bookcase high enough to where she can still reach it and she tries to steal it every day! We have to then tell her it is not her toy. She doesn't seem to be catching on. I guess it is a work in progress!